Robin Marie Photography: Blog en-us (C) Robin Marie Photography [email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 18:06:00 GMT Thu, 28 Dec 2023 18:06:00 GMT Robin Marie Photography: Blog 118 120 Cheers to "2024" LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITY, IT'S EVERYWHERE - Imagine the glittering possibility that this is your year.  Pretend that all the years before have been leading up to this one year. This 12-month, 365 days is exactly the collection of hours and minutes you've been waiting for.  Even when things don't go you're way, ignore the doubt and believe with confident assurance that your moment has arrived.  Believing is the first step in your journey 

CHASE KINDNESS - Pursue it closely.  Don't let it out of your sight.  Wrap your attitude in affection and kindness toward others.  Don't just try to see the good, name it. Give compliments with unabashed sincerity. Go out of your way to make someone's day a little less gray.  Even in the face of adversity, arm yourself with grace and compassion. In a world where kindness does not reign supreme, be the sparkling exceptional exception!


DISCOVER SOMETHING NEW - Make it a habit.  Hike new trails and breathe in nature's secrets. Try a new workout and finally let all negative body images go.  Learn a few words of a new language and use them,  Seek new foods, colors, phrases, and places.  Be brave enough to call a new friend and invite them over for dinner.  Try a new Hobby.  Enough with "SOMEDAY" do it NOW! 

LET GO OF SOMETHING HEAVY - Whatever your mountain is, fear, worry, doubt, or shame it is far too much weight on your spirit.     It is time to put it down. Unburden yourself and imagine the wings that will unfold once you're free.  It is time to untether yourself and fly. 


ALLOW FOR PRETEND -  Imagination is the key to a thousand different worlds.  While reality demands and commands, pretend invites and encourages. Build, dance, plant, mold, create, dream, write, move, draw, climb and play.  There are endless ways to pretend in your life.  The most beautiful realization will be the times you wake up knowing that pretend has made memories that are now real.   If you don't know where to begin, ask a child.....they know the way


WALK WITH HOPE - Let it be your companion. As January slides into February and resolutions and goals seem a little less shiny and attainable, continue on. Be proud of yourself each day you accomplish what you set out to do even if only half... Be Proud. Have the integrity to admit you are human. Be gentle with yourself and your ambitions. 


FALL INTO WONDER - Allow yourself to be amazed.  Get lost in the colors of a sunset. Feel the majesty of a forest the magnitude of a desert or the endless ocean. Catalog wishes that come true and prayers answered.  Never let busy replace Awe.  never let "have to" replace "get to" . Set your mind to an astonished appreciation of the magical world around you.  Never stop believing that miracles await.

I am a believer in impossible things.  I am a lover of words, wonder and whimsical secrets  Caught in the creative place between reality and imagination is my favorite place to be.....


Cheers to "2024:






[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) 2024 happy intentions new year Thu, 28 Dec 2023 18:06:14 GMT
The Elliptical  

I was shopping for an Elliptical on Craigslist one evening when I ran across a posting that said:  Rarely used Elliptical, mostly used as bathrobe hanger…lol. Upon further examination, it appeared to be the same Elliptical I had been eyeing at the local Sporting goods store. Currently selling for over $1200.  This one was listed for $299.. what a deal!  It was late at night so I set a reminder to call him 1st thing in the morning to claim my prize.  


The 8:00 am call went like this:  Hi, I'm calling about your Bathrobe Hanger… I mean Elliptical.  A gentleman by the name of Gari )with an “I” as he pointed out) was quick to tell me how they had grand ideas on getting into beach body shape but that just wasn’t happening and he just needed this gym equipment gone.   I expressed that I would be happy to take this off of his hands got the address and arranged to meet him in a few hours. He described his community as gated with a security guard and to ask for Gary with an “I”.   GARI


As I was winding my way up into the thick forest to the top of an unpaved road I began to worry a bit about my safety as we have all heard the urban legend stories about the lady that went to claim her one-of-a-kind treasure and ended up with one less kidney.  I quickly called my co-worker and gave her my location and instructions on where to find me, or my body if I didn’t call her back in 30 minutes.


As I approached the gate, basically an old frayed rope across the entrance I spotted an older woman eating a Subway sandwich.  Her back was to me so I pulled forward and rolled down my window.  When she turned around I quickly noticed that she was naked except for a scarf around the back of her chair.  She quickly asked if I was there for Gari, I said yes and she instructed that his house was down about half a block on the right side.  He was waiting for me.  As she untied the rope I inched forward unsure of why I was proceeding but didn’t know what else to do.. she was very friendly and maybe she just had a very sheer dress on.  Anyway as I drove in I quickly noticed several more naked people, everywhere, playing volleyball, lying in the sun, riding bikes, etc… my mind was a blur.  I just keep driving not really knowing where to look.  I then noticed Gari on his deck next to his Elliptical Bike.  I unrolled my window and waved.  He waved back and said, “Well here she is”. He proceeded to jump on and start peddling like a madman, naked and swinging to and fro ( get it, no manscaping here) I was in a trance not really understanding what was going on. I wasn’t feeling threatened by this group of friendly, naked, middle-aged, out-of-shape Summer camp people.  When I came back to my senses I quickly told Gari that this wasn’t the model I was looking for but thanks for the demo and peeled out of there. Not enough bleach in a bottle for me to pack that thing into my SUV!!  As I was leaving, several people waiving as I went I then saw the sign in the rearview mirror  “ Tiger Mountain Family Nudist Park' 


Oh I’m still looking for that Elliptical if you have one laying around


~Sill laughing, Robin



[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:47:06 GMT
TV Fork Today as I was going through some of my moms kitchen stuff I came across something that immediately took me back to my childhood. It reminded me of something that happened years ago which made me smile

Let me 1st take you back to a time before computers and remote controls.  When most televisions were considered furniture and took four strong men to move into place.  There were not many options available basically a choice between Black and White or color.  My family had a color console that took up about 4ft of wall space but only had a 24 inch screen, no remote, We actually had to get up to change the station.  However we did have dolby sound which was super cool in the day.

Anyways my parents probably would have described me a  perfect child......until I wasn't.   I had a temper and my sisters and cousins would tease me for fun to see if they could make me blow 

Well one summer morning my older sister did just that, we fought over cartoons and in a fit of rage I pulled the gigantic TV onto its face.  I knew as soon as it happened I was in big trouble.  My parents ran into the room to see what all the commotion was about.  I was sent to my room immediately as my dad got the neighbor to help him right the TV Console.

To my relief the TV still worked but the tuning nob was broken into a million pieces. No amount of glue could have fixed it.  Somehow it was decided that a dinner fork would work great to turn the dial and find our favorite stations.  Sometimes these TV Forks would make their way back into dinner rotation and my sister was always the one to get it....karma is a bitch as they say:-) 

We never got a replacement nob for the TV and we had it most of my childhood.   Years later I asked my dad why he didn't just order a new nob and his answer was this...well Robbie it was a reminder for you to know how powerful your temper can be and to keep it in check, and also it was a warning for your sisters to not fuck with you...

My dad was a very wise man!


Vintage TV Forkcirca 1971

[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) Sun, 28 Feb 2021 02:37:48 GMT
Magical Christmas Photo Sessions Storytime with Santa Clause,  a winter walk with a Reindeer, Ice fishing with a Penguin or a chat with a wise winter bear.  These are the things of a childs Imagination.  Bring these fantasy's to life with this creative custom photo session

This year its time to use our imaginations to capture the Magic of
Christmas through Magical portraits


Each session will be Covid compliant in the studio setting.  Several scenes to choose from .  Get creative.  Dress the kids in their Pajamas for a Story read by Santa Clause.  Bundle up in your parka and gloves for some outdoor fun ( no real Bears , Reindeer or penguins in Studio) 

Several Packages to choose from including Christmas Cards, Ornaments, Canvas, 

Call for more details


[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) Sat, 17 Oct 2020 04:09:06 GMT
The Cat in the Christmas Tree We have always either gone into the woods or a u-cut tree farm for the holidays.  This year was no different , typical  NW December weather it was pouring rain.  

When we got home the tree was covered in mud so it had to be hosed off and left on the porch to dry before bringing it into the house for decorating.

The next day the big Douglas fir was brought into the warm cabin to become a lovely Christmas tree.

This is where the story really starts.....

The tree was set up, decorated with all the traditional holiday flair, twinkly lights, handmade ornaments with a story to go with each one.  it was beautiful  The kids had been tucked into bed for the night and I sat down with a cup of tea.  I was on the phone with my mom when I caught something strange out of the corner of my eye.  The branches were moving, something was in the tree.  My animals were all accounted for, sleeping lazily in front  of the wood stove.  Again the branches began to move.  I carefully moved the twigs and discovered a cat, a hissing angry teenage cat in my tree.  It was growling and slashing like a scene in a horror movie.  

My mom suggested that I reach in and throw it outside.  I thought I better protect myself so I put the oven mitts on my hands  I opened the back door and prepared to grab the wild beast.  I went in to grab him but he grabbed me first. With the cat dangling from my forearm, just above the mitts I flung him outside and quickly shut the door.  As I removed the oven mitts I noticed the bloody bite marks and scratches all over my forarm. 

The next morning I woke up to an arm that had swollen twice the normal size.  I went to my doctor and she had to give me a tetanus shot and antibiotics and I was put on watch for " Cat scratch fever"  Yes!  its a real thing.

Anyways, fast-forward, I never came down with "Cat Scratch Fever"  (I know you are singing the song in your head now)  lol  The feral cat ended up living under our deck terrorizing the kids until spring when  it finally went away....hopefully to find a warm cozy home by someone else's fire.  

[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) Mon, 23 Dec 2019 21:41:55 GMT
Finding Peace Mourning someone you love is the hardest thing you will ever have to endure.  Its been almost a year since my I lost my mom and not a day goes by that I don't think about her


When she first died I was reminded how fleeting and unpredictable life can be and that I needed to start "doing" instead of "saying"  As a photographer I have always dreamed of shooting the Northern Lights.  They have always held a bit of magic for me.  I had never seen them and had spent many hours researching the best place to view and capture them.  After reading a story that the Cree Indian tribe believed that the Aurora was part of the Life Circle and where the spirits of the newly departeds  friends and family would hold torches lighting the way to welcome the recently deceased.  They also believed that this was a way of communicating with those they have left behind on Earth.

After deciding right then and there to plan a trip to the aurora Oval in Alaska where my destination and Journey would be  one in the same.....adventure.

A few weeks later I flew to Anchorage Alaska where I boarded the Winter Aurora Train, a 12 hour railway adventure through some of the most pristine scenery in the world.     Once I arrived in Fairbanks I boarded a bus and traveled for another 12 hour to Cold Foot Camp .  We traveled along the Dalton Hwy which is know to be one the most dangerous roads in the world sometimes in Blizzard conditions  Passing through three mountain ranges in sometimes white out conditions  Screenshot Screenshot


With lots of time to think my mom was never far from my mind.  I reflected on so many memories   As I let my thoughts wander with each mile I felt the release of the sadness that I had carried for the last three months.  I was imagining my new existence without my mom, how would I manage?  These thoughts had entered my mind so many times since she left me but somehow now, with so much peace and openness around me I could see it.   I could see that it was achievable , not easy but I could do this.  

We arrived in Cold Foot Camp late that afternoon.  We spent the rest of the day planning our evening in Wiseman which was 63 miles north of the Arctic Circle.


As we waited for the Auroras to appear I held on tight to a small vessel which held my moms ashes.  In the minus 12 degree below zero weather at 2 o'clock in the morning the snow clouds parted and an earie green glow appeared.  The lights began to dance and change before our eyes.  It was truly magical, like nothing I had ever seen. Screenshot

I walked away from our group with tears in my eyes.  I scattered my moms ashes under that glowing sky.  As the green lights  changed from purple and pink I imagined the spirits holding torches, burning brightly, as though they were welcoming my mom in high fashion, like a celebration of sorts.

As I walked back to the group with frozen tears in my eyes (did I mention it was minus 12 degrees below zero) I felt as though I had found some sense of Peace

What I discovered was that It wasn't the miles that I traveled or the frozen snow covered mountain peaks I crossed.  I believe it was the stillness that I finally allowed myself in that moment, to grieve and to find MY Peace





[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) Mon, 23 Dec 2019 03:54:52 GMT
Epic Eagle Wars on the Shores of Sandy Point With Camera in hand I aim my lens towards the sky as a I hear the High pitched squawk of an Eagle.  Since I've been staying up here at Sandy Point I see Eagles on the Beach every single day. No matter how familiar they have become I am still in awe of these majestic birds.  Just as I find the Eagle with my lens it swoops down and  I see him snatch a Duck right out of the water.

  As he flew towards the pilings to pluck his Duck lunch a few of his friends decide that they would like to join him.  












In all of the excitement he dropped the duck.  He wasn't feeling like sharing as you can see .

After a brief yet loud conversation his friends decided that they would go find their own lunch and left him to eat in private.  Living on the Beach is like full time Nature station.  I never knew that Eagles ate Ducks...did you? 


[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) Thu, 21 Mar 2019 05:33:25 GMT
Lantern Festival The Lantern Festival

The Gathering at the Bon Fire Last night marks the second annual Lantern Festival in our Little town of Duvall.  The town folk have been working on their Lanterns for a couple of weeks awaiting this night.  They came out by the dozens, first gathering at the depot for some warm homemade local Vegetable soup and then gathering at the Valley House Brewery to begin the walk through town to celebrate that the "season is shifting and that the light is returning", This is one of the things that make this little valley community so special





Here is a list of the people that helped make this happen

Local Roots Farm (veggies for our soup!)
Hearth Farm (more soup ingredients!)
The Grange (use of kitchen, ingredients, and a last minute can opener!)
CC's Espresso (donated delicious hot chocolate!)
Grateful Bread (bread!)
Chris Iacobazzi (soup author!)
Sarah Cassidy and Jules Hughes (soup assistants!)
Paula Strobel (art project!) .
Lupin and Lily Tappert (wax lantern magic!)
Meg Cochrane (lantern art at Seed Exchange!)
Peggy Loomis (Seed Exchange art and bamboo poles!)
Claire Foster (lantern classes!)
Robin Woelz (photography!)
Sarah Tharrington and Landon Moore for wood donation and bonfire creating and tending.
4Culture for generous funding. 



Check out the rest of the photos at



[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) duvall Lantern photography seasons smalltown Mon, 04 Feb 2019 05:34:23 GMT
Della Terra Late Harvest Farm to table Dinner A LATE HARVEST FEAST `FARM TO TABLE


Farm to table dinners are my absolute favorite events to shoot.  I have had the pleasure of shooting Chef Cody from Della Terra at a SnoValley Tilth Dinner last summer and was eager to be part of his most recent fundraising event in partnership with Basil and Salt magazine .  

Please enjoy a few photos from the evening~ Robin Marie Photography

As the guest began to arrive at THE BARN AT HOLLY FARM, a wonderful event venue located in Bothell Washington the smells were already coming from the kitchen. 

Wine maker Kevin Lantz from LANTZ CELLARS in Lake Stevens provided the wine which was perfectly paired with the Beautiful    hors d'œuvres, a brucetta bar and crab cakes

The weather in the seattle area has been super smoky this summer but today the smoke seemed to clear long enough for the guests to 
mingle and peruse the  various auction items while enjoying themselves on the lower patio at The Barn at Holly Farms.  































The tables were beautifully set and ready for the feast to begin.  I can't get over the amazing light in the upper Barn area, a photographers dream.  What a Lovely Venue.   The open beam ceiling and the Hay loft add a touch of old world charm.  The Barn at Holly Farm is a perfect venue to host your private celebration! Wedding, anniversary, birthday, corporate team building or company theme party, our 96 year old vintage barn and working equestrian farm is set on 17 acres of tranquil farm land.











Dinner was served ~


The evening was amazing.  Chef Cody's Passion for food and community was shining through his offerings.    Chef Cody explained that he had  sourced the majority of the ingredients from within the community from local farms and producers, many of which are right down the road.Not only was this  a delicious dinner, but it will also help Della Terra  in their mission of supporting local farmers and producers. The funds will allow them to obtain and renovate a catering kitchen of their own, in  Historic Downtown Snohomish.  
 This launch party will help Chef Cody to achieve his goals.  





Last but not least Dessert provided by "I'll Have what she's Having" 
-Thank you to all of this evenings sponsors Holly Farms  Salt and Basil Magazine  Robin Marie Photography Mariposa Day SpaTeiton Cider Works,   Frans ChocolatierBlue eye Brown eye , Jon Boy CarmelsEgg Song FarmBody Temple WellnessConfeti party box and Cake and Lace

The Dirty Girl,   Charles Dizon Homes,   Ill have what shes having Bio Monte Tours of Italy Beechers handmade cheeseLantz Cellars, little dippers confectionsin the groove events,  Flower Farmers girl, Roots of gratitude









[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) bothell chef cody farm food NW pacific photography pugetsound robinmariephotography table to Mon, 27 Aug 2018 18:49:02 GMT
Pink Tractor Farm Pink Tractor Farm ~ Farm to Table ~August 18th, 2018

                        Robin Marie Photography


I had the pleasure of Shooting a lovely picturesque Farm to Table dinner put on by pinktractorfarm  on Vashon Island .  For those of you who have never experienced a "Farm to Table" dinner you need to definitely put this on your list.   You wont regret it. 

Pink Tractor Farm is located on Beautiful Vashon Island, a quick 30 minute Ferry ride from Seattle. Katie and Chef Dave are the Farmers/Chef and they grow everything from~ Fresh Eggs and vegetables to Beef. lamb, pork and chickens....even Turkeys in the fall.  If you ask very nice, Katie and Dave will give you a personal tour of the Farm.:-)  Farming is hard work!  

When they said Farm to Table they weren't joking...everything down to the  Vashon Brewing Beer and Salt came from the Island for tonight's feast. I invite you to Check out my photos from this wonderful evening.  Enjoy


When Jack and I arrived at the Lodges on Vashon, did I mention that this place was Dog friendly....Bonus:-) we toured the grounds.  This place is perfect.  The dinner was set up under a beautiful covered area and the tables were set for the evening with beautiful flowers and my favorite Dinnerware of all time.  So cute!

Chef Dave described every course with a personal story both charming and educational.  The theme of this dinner was Upscale Pub food...Upscale was an understatement.  Every course was perfectly paired with a beer from Vashon Brewing .  

Soon after the guest arrived, with excitement and wonderful smells in the air , Chef Dave prepared the 8 course meal on site (just around the corner) 

First up was the Field Greens salad with these adorable little pickled mouse melons.   Totally Pinterest worthy little things  Amazing flavor too.













Next up was this Watermelon Salad.  This wasn't any ole Watermelon Salad, this was perfectly created with Purslane, Shiso, Blackberry and Feta...yes, all from the farm

"We are just getting started" says Chef Dave.  Next up The Deep Fried pickles with Pancetta Aioli and Tomatillo served with the Hot Rod IPA..Perfect pairing.                                        
Corn Dogs!!  Yes that's what he said....Corn Dogs.  These aren't your typical carnival hot dogs on a stick kind of corndogs.  These bad boys are made with Prosciutto and green Ketchup with an onion ring on the side

As the food continued to roll out of the make shift kitchen these two provided the beautiful music for the evening.  Katie and Dave really know how to put together a memorable evening

After the Corn Dog. Not Corn Dog came maybe my favorite offering of the night ""POUTINE.  If you have ever visited our neighbors to the north you know what poutine is however Chef Dave has taken this already delicious plate of comfort food to a whole new level.  These Yukon Gold potatoes have been deep fried in Duck Fat...Yes, Duck Fat, you heard me right.  Added to that are the Cheese Curds and the Duck Confit then covered in a Game demi glaze...pure genius  . Fireside Ale was the paired Beer.

What is a Scotch Egg you ask... Whatever the original Scotch Egg is I'm sure this is better.  Just look at that beautiful Egg, hardboiled and covered in Lamb Andouille and black current gastrique

The last course of the evening before dessert was Shepherds Pie made with Venison and Squash puree.  Chef Dave told a story about how the venison had happen to be on the menu ….  This course was paired with The Cherrywood Smoked Porter.  Delicious

Just when everyone thought they could eat no more it was time for Dessert.  Chef Dave and Katie spent some time in Ireland a few years back and wandered into the Guiness Pub.  When they ordered a full bodied stout the bartender suggested a drizzle of Blackberry syrup on top.  This was the inspiration for this dish and they were right.  This was such a wonderful combination of flavors.  Beautiful Blackberry Ice cream Stout flouts with a Spent grain cookie (Spent grain from the brewery)

As the sun was setting and the guests began to gather their things ,  full belly's and a few new friends we want to thanks the farmers, Katie and Dave Hatfield for this amazing meal.  The passion and creativity shared with this small group of people was a gift.  It was an honor to be part of this evening.  Cheers!.  





[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) Sat, 25 Aug 2018 03:34:25 GMT
The Plum Tart Now at first glance you would not say that this Plum Tart is very pretty.  You would probably say that the crust is burnt and uneven and the filling looks a bit messy.  I don't think we would be making it through to the next round if this was a cooking competition ( Yes, I watch way to much Food Channel)

This is my story of the Plum Tart.

When I was in high school I dated this boy  After a few months he invited me over to his house for dinner.  I met his mom who seemed nice.  She had a very strong Swiss accent and didn't really appear to like me much.  I couldn't even tell you what we had for dinner but I will never forget the dessert.  When the Plum Tart was brought out I was fascinated.  I had never seen such a thing.  (keep in mind I was raised on White cake and Hostess).  The Tart itself seemed very rustic with a crust on the bottom and a layer of plums perfectly laid out in a circular pattern  On top of the plums looked to be some sort of custard.  The family seemed eager to dive in so I did the same.  My 1st bite was absolutely horrible.  I wanted desperately to spit it into my napkin or feed it to the dog under the table.  Being the polite dinner guest and the fact that I really liked this boy I powered through it like a champion.  The problem was that it was not sweet.  The egg custard was just egg.  Where was the Sugar??  I hated it!



Now lets fast forward 30 years. My boyfriends mom with the Swiss accent I'm pretty sure loves me almost as much as I love her and I have had to power through her Plum tart more times than I can count.  She has been dealing with some health problems recently, and her memory has taken a serious decline,  I have been helping her out with some of the day to day things and have really enjoyed the time I'm spending however it can be very difficult at times.  The neighbors have been bringing her some gifts such as tomatoes from their gardens, homemade Jam and Plums. 

This afternoon I suggested that we make a Plum Tart.  Her eyes lite up immediately.  As we rolled out the dough we laughed like l little girls, flour spilling onto the floor.  We looked down at Jack, my dog who is never far away and he was covered in flour as well.  She placed the dough into the pie plate and began to crimp the edges like she had done many times before. This time however the edges were not as crisp and precise as I remember but it didn't matter.  She showed me how to pit the plums just so and how to arrange them on the crust.  She forgot about the egg mixture which was fine with me ...wink wink... She forgot at which temperature to bake it so she guessed.  It didn't really matter. What mattered was how happy this made her.

When we sat down to dinner our conversation was light and easy. She was not stressed out about how she forgot how to use the TV remote or couldn't remember who came to visit the day before.  She was relaxed. She talked about when she was a little girl in Switzerland, her and her brother would eat plums until they felt like they would burst.  She talked about when she took a boat to NY all alone to be a Nanny for a rich family when she barely spoke English. She smiled ear to ear as she spoke.

 When it was time for dessert we brought out the Plum Tart that we had made together. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. We both sat and admired  this little over baked Plum tart with the uneven edges and the messy filling for a few minutes before serving it. 

That Plum Tart was like tasting a lifetime of memories. 

The Plum TartThe Plum Tart


[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) Fri, 15 Sep 2017 07:04:32 GMT
Solar Eclipse 2017~SolarTown, Madras Oregon  



Star Date : 8.19.17
And so our Journey begins.  We left home at 5:00am under a pre- dawn crescent moon.  All of the research, stories and advise that we have received in the past few weeks all swirling through my head like a Asteroid in the galaxy (see what I did there😊 our plan came together perfectly after numerous emails, phone calls and media shows warning us about everything from forest fires, horrendous traffic, food/water shortages and even a story about bat attacks that will happen when the sky becomes dark….,YES you read that right BAT ATTACKS. We figured we would get a jump on the traffic and left before everyone. FAKE NEWS! We arrive 5 ½ hrs later with no traffic jams, no gas shortages and no problems.  We spent the rest of the day setting up our camp, meeting the neighbors and checking out the little vendor village in Solar Town. Our 20x40 site for $150 was a steal for the experience we are about to be part of with an estimated 10,000 plus fellow campers

Star Date: 8.20.17
After a fitful night, my neighbor 10 ft from my head, almost close enough to nudge snored all night long. I woke up around 3:00am and the walk to the Loo was hysterical.  I was serenaded by what sounded like a million snoring people.  I really wish I would have recorded that experience.  Hysterical!!  We woke around 7:00am to what in my dream state sounded like Daenerys Targaryen’s Dragons breathing fire over Solar Town.  When I opened the tent door and found this (see below) I was very relieved

Did I mention that my Dream that night had something to do with Guy Fieri from the food channel questioning my belief in God and was yelling scripture at me… (what does that even mean)  weird.  We settled into our camp chairs and began people watching which was so entertaining.  Our early morning campsite smelled of Bacon, Sun Screen, Weed, Pachulia and Money.  The amount of high tech equipment that had gathered in this farmers field miles away from a city was beyond belief .  Nikon, Canon, Sony, all the telescope companies, lots of 1st time campers with the REI tags still hanging off their tents.  Honestly at times I questioned our decision just a little.  Afternoon came quickly and we found a  small local distillery in Solar Town that was selling pints of vodka so we made some cocktails with Water Kefir @waterkefirpeople  a water based Kombucha which was awesome and now selling at our local whole foods😊 .  I’d say this was very “Oregonian” of us.  We spent Sunday Evening at Solar Fest buying tee shirts and checking out the vendors.  Did I mention how friendly everyone here is…well they are.  Everyone without exception

Star Date: 8.21.17
We woke up early with the excitement in the air feeling almost electric.  Everyone was busy fiddling with their cameras, telescopes, setting up the viewing areas with chairs, beverages etc… we were all getting ready for the big show. A guy named Ken walked by and told us about the Shadow bands and offered a big sheet of white paper which we taped onto the back of our car. Our neighbor across the way was busy making a pinhole viewer (see below) we made one that looked like a heart😊  Our hippy neighbor Jim from San Francisco was hotboxing in his little one man tent (Jim spent all week smoking weed, drawing pictures and looking for a brown pencil that he lost)

At 09:06:45.2 the crowd marked the beginning of the Solar Eclipse with a rumbling roar of clapping and whoops and hollers.  The show had begun.  Dawning our fashionable eclipse glasses all 10K plus people were looking towards the sun.  The site was absolutely beautiful.  As the minutes ticked away the temperature dropped and the skies became glowy dusky hazy, sometimes called the invisible light.  kind of like if your TV contrast was off a bit.  It continued to get colder and darker as the moon crossed over the sun.  Cameras were snapping, someone in the way back began to howl, soon the whole camp ground began to howl.  It was crazy.  At the moment of totality, it was like the lights went out.  It was dark, the temperature dropped a total of 14 degrees, stars came out and a 360degree sunset appeared… I couldn’t stop looking.


  I snapped pics but found myself so mesmerized by what was happening before my eyes I was speechless.  The campground went quiet during those 2.02 minutes. The sight was everything and more. I can’t really put into words how I was feeling.  Yes, the feeling of how “awe inspiring this world is” and those “philosophical quotes” all resonate a bit louder now but somehow it was a personal life changing experience that I really didn’t expect.  (don’t judge me) .  As the Moon passed in front of the Sun and began to show itself in a flash, once more a rumbling roar came over the crowd .  Was it worth it?  Absolutely! Every minute of it!


Sometimes, I think of the Sun and Moon as lovers, who rarely meet.

Always chasing, and almost always missing each other.

But once in a while they catch up, and they kiss,

and the world stares I awe of their eclipse.

~The Great American Eclipse, August 21, 2017~


[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) Wed, 23 Aug 2017 23:22:31 GMT
Book Cover Shoot A few weeks back I was approached to do a Book cover shoot for a local Writer. "The Secret of the Spicy Jalapeno" by Charlie Courtland.  I had read her book so coming up with a location setting was fairly easy as I knew of an abandoned house a few miles away that would be perfect.  Her vision was clear...we needed a pretty girl, Jalapenos and a bucket of fake blood.  The day of the shoot was perfect...moody skies and perfect lighting.  The house had not been inhabited for years and the yard was a mess.  My big mistake was wearing a maxi skirt to the shoot.  In between getting scratched up and my skirt snagged by the blackberry branches and worrying about the model falling through the steps we got some amazing shots. As we left the shoot location covered in scratches and smelling of a combination of molasses, syrup and ketchup (fake blood) we knew we got what we wanted.   







[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) book cover commercial shoot haunted moody photoshoot Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:37:05 GMT
FIVE Reasons You Should NEVER (like EVER) Hire A Professional Photographer FIVE Reasons You Should NEVER (like EVER) Hire A Professional Photographer // Save Your Money

You know the drill. Fall is coming, which means Christmas cards are just around the corner. And, while we all want amazing pictures, who has the $$$ to spend on a fancy photographer? We have barbie cars to buy and in-laws to impress!

So, before you go and spend your hard earned dollars on a photographer, here are 5 reasons why you should probably just save your money;)

1. WE ALL OWN CAMERAS // We live in an era where everyone carries a camera on them at all times. Cell phone cameras have come a loooooong way. I mean REALLY, it’s just a matter of clicking a button. No big deal. Save your money, buy a fancy phone and go to town!


2. YOUR SISTERS, FRIENDS, BROTHERS, COUSIN IS A PHOTOGRAPHER // Chances are, you know someone who just bought a fancy camera. No, NOT a cell phone, but a REAL FANCY camera. And chances are also pretty good these days that at least one of the people you know has one of these fancy cameras AND is offering to take your pictures for FREE. I mean, REALLY. You can’t beat free. Not ever. And let’s be real, a family on a tree in any form is JUST a family on a tree. NO ONE  will notice the difference.


3. UNIQUE IDEAS // One of the BIGGEST problems when hiring a professional photographer is they tend to get all artsy and dramatic about their ideas. HELLO>>> Don’t they understand the reason Pinterest is so popular?!! I mean REALLY. People love to copy other people. Why would we want our beach pictures in anything but white tops and blue jeans? Don’t they understand that this is a HUGE trend. Since the 90′s people have been doing this. Stop trying to rock the boat and take our money in the process! If you hire a friend, they are more likely to do whatever you ask them and you can take charge of your session. What would your friends think of you if your Christmas card showed up and yours were the ONLY ones that looked different?!! No thanks.


4. DREAM KILLERS // Professional photographers are total rule followers (can you say LAME?), no fun at all. I asked mine to take pictures on the railroad tracks and she said it was “illegal”. Then I asked her if she would takes us to this old barn I see all the time and she said it was “trespassing”. WHATEV. I see people do it all the time. And so what if we get caught? Like getting a fine or having the cops called is that big of a deal. I would say it ADDS to the overall experience. Don’t let a professional talk you into driving out to a private estate. They are just doing that so they can charge you more money. It’s a total scam!


5. THAT CD IS GOING TO LOOK AMAZING ON YOUR WALL // When you go onto a professional photographers website chances are they won’t have their prices up AND when you contact them to specifically ask them “how much 4 a CD?” They will tell you they don’t sell CD’s. I mean REALLY. Who doesn’t sell CD’s anymore? I’ve had several try to tell me that in the next few years CD’s will be obsolete. Yeah right!!! CD’s are here to stay. Another scam to get you to spend more by purchasing inflated prints & fancy canvases. We’re on to your scam professionals!! I can print them myself. I mean one day I will. The cd’s from the last 5 years are all sitting in a pile in my desk drawer, but I’m waiting so I can print them at the same time. I’m totally going to print them…one day.


So, in a few short weeks, when school starts back up and you realize WE NEED CHRISTMAS CARDS…Hire your sisters brothers cousins uncle. He’s sure to do a bang up job;)



[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) bad cd children christmas family free images print Fri, 11 Jul 2014 12:23:29 GMT
Senior Passions Your Senior Photos should tell a story of you.  What you are in to, sports, hobbies, interests.  I love it when you bring props.  Baseballs, mitts, spikes, hats etc...  this makes your images yours.  We were able to access the local high school track for this pic. Colton is heading off to run track in college ....congratulations!


[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) high hobbies passions props school seniors sports Sun, 18 May 2014 05:45:10 GMT
Chasing two year olds around the park One of my favorite shoots is chasing little ones around taking pics.  It can be a difficult shoot but the images that I am able to get just putting myself into their world are amazing. It takes some time to get them comfortable with you and your camera.  I usually carry a small stuffed animal that sits on top of my camera.  We crawl through the tubes at the park, we swing on swings, we even wade in the river if that's what they want to do.  Check out this little guy.  so sweet.... 

[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) babies cuteness park photoshoot Sun, 18 May 2014 05:21:10 GMT
Commercial Photography I am asked to do several commercial shoots each year.  I shoot everything from Pizza to cosmetics.  I was recently asked to take some images of a job site at a cold storage building.  I came prepared as instructed with the proper foot wear and clothing that I may never want to wear again.  What I wasn't prepared to do was climb a 40 foot ladder to the top of a building.  I am not afraid of heights mind you but it was a bit scarey knowing if I fell no one was there to catch my camera:-) 

Once I reached the top I was hit in the face with the smell of hot tar. This job is messy.  I gained a whole new respect for roofers that morning.  What a hard job.  I got some awesome shots of the crew in action that they will be using in a Magazine article.  Love seeing my images in print. 


[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) commercial heights photoshoot roofing Sun, 18 May 2014 04:59:24 GMT
Spring is in the air... I absolutely love this time of year.  The first appearance of the little flowers popping up everywhere, growing grass and Dandelions...yes Dandelions.  I love these little flowers, some call them weeds...not me!  They remind me of my childhood when we use to make bouquets for my mom and grandma and they would proudly display them on their window sills.  We also use to play a game called Butter...if you don't know what this is google it:-)

Another reason I love this time of year is that I get to do some family shoots. A Family shoot with me is more like a day in the park.  I follow you around and catch you and your family being themselves.  Having fun.  Did I mention a photo session with me is a blast.

I put together this little video of a few families that I recently shot.  You may even recognize some of them.....Enjoy



[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) dandelions fun spring video Fri, 11 Apr 2014 22:59:03 GMT
Hot Fashion Guide~ love these color schemes Check out these great looks for putting together your outfits for you photo shoot. What I strive to do is capture your specific style and personality.  Bright colors are a great way to make your images pop. 

[email protected] (Robin Marie Photography) collections color engagement fashion looks senior spring Wed, 26 Mar 2014 19:08:15 GMT